
Black mold spores get tracked into your home on shoes or soles of pets. It gets driven into homes by flooding from storms or other natural disaster events where a home becomes flooded or leaky water pipes inside a home. The mold grows in places seen or hidden.

If you are experiencing symptoms of black mold exposure, then it is important to take care of the mold problem as quickly as possible in order to avoid long-term health issues. The problem with these symptoms is the fact that they are often similar to symptoms of other health conditions, so many people don't realize that there is a mold problem.


In the beginning, these symptoms start out mild and they progress into serious health conditions over time. When the symptoms of black mold exposure are present, it means that the person has been exposed to mold spores, and those spores were breathed in or the person's skin came into contact with the spores.

The initial mild symptoms may include things such as: runny nose, stuffy nose, wheezing, coughing, sinus infections, headaches, difficulty breathing or other respiratory infections. The cause and the symptoms are very similar to hay fever.

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As you can see, these symptoms are also associated with having a head cold, so the initial symptoms are not often associated with mold exposure in the beginning. The person may start to wonder about the health problems when they see that the symptoms are not going away. The symptoms of black mold exposure will continue to be present as long as contact with the mold spores continues.

Severe Symptoms of Black Mold Exposure

Even though the initial symptoms of mold exposure are not very serious, they can develop into more serious problems if the mold is left untreated. Some of the more advanced symptoms may include: chronic fatigue, dizziness, skin rashes, digestive issues, diarrhea, vomiting and nausea, fertility problems, cancer, depression, ulcers, Fibromyalgia, and even death.

Keep in mind that you may not experience every symptom that is listed, because mold affects different people in different ways. Some people only experience a few of the symptoms that are listed, but for almost everyone the symptoms get worse over time.

Once these more serious health problems occur and medical treatments are not effective, some doctors will suggest that you look for mold problems in your home. But, the problem is that many medical professionals don't initially attribute the health problems with mold exposure, so it may take a long time to come to that conclusion.


If you are having serious health problems, you may consider taking the initiative to have your home tested for the presence of mold in order to determine if mold spores are contributing to your poor health.

Once a mold problem has been identified, you should take immediate action to get rid of the mold from your home. Remember that the symptoms will continue as long as mold exposure is occurring, so the only way to reduce the health symptoms is by getting rid of the mold problem.

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